Hot Tomali Presents: From Our Office to Yours

As more businesses choose to downsize their office space as they work remotely, charities are still struggling to upsize theirs due to a lack of funding. One of these charities is the Down Syndrome Resource Foundation.
In an effort to help out before the holidays, Hot Tomali decided to gather up excess office equipment and supplies and turn them into much needed workstations for the Down Syndrome Resource Foundation. These workstations were equipped with desks, chairs, monitors, computers and stationery to help young adults with Down Syndrome learn computer skills, build resumes and look for employment.
“While essential to our work, money spent on equipment can lessen the amount of funds we can directly apply to our programs and services.” says Wayne Leslie, Chief Executive Officer. “By helping to reduce these operational costs, Hot Tomali is supporting the essential Down Syndrome health and education services we provide to families.”
Hot Tomali is also encouraging other businesses to take what they no longer need and put it to good use. “Working remotely isn’t going anywhere and more and more offices are now being underutilized.” says Thomas Stringham, Founder of Hot Tomali. “For a lot of charities, even the smallest items like staplers and pens can add up. Seemingly modest contributions can go a long way to help those that are in need.”