#PentictonWorks Virtual Workers Campaign
The City of Penticton’s goal was to build a campaign to grow the population of Penticton, specifically by attracting virtual workers to Penticton. By bringing your own job with you to Penticton, the employment challenges are mitigated making the transition to the community easier.
#PentictonWorks was set up to raise awareness of Penticton and its unique lifestyle attractions to be front of mind for savvy virtual workers. Virtual work is more than an abstract, techy concept — many companies now pride themselves on having employees all over the globe. It is expected that by 2016, 1/3 of the global workforce will be virtual and that by 2020, 58% of all employment will be contract based.

To supplement the online ad campaign and provide users with a constant stream of new content, Facebook and Instagram accounts were set up, as well as the microsite. To prove how viable working virtually in Penticton really is, Hot Tomali sent a few of its members out there for a week to not only perform their daily duties, but help build microsite content in the form of a journal. Team members met with other virtual workers, business owners, and indulged in all the city has to offer, reporting back to the community and building a mailing list for the City to interact with. The blog is a great foundation, which the city is still utilizing today.

Gather Round Our Water Cooler
Facebook Campaign
Impressions: 576,965
Page Likes: 8,352
Microsite Clicks: 10,474
PentictonWorks.ca Microsite
Visitors: 38,117
Pageviews: 54,983
Time on Page: 2:09
Google AdWords
Impressions: 6,184,180
Clicks: 23,888