7-11 Slurpee
The Slurpee consumer is young and cynical. They often prefer to hang with friends, watch movies and play video games. So, we decided to create a Slurpee promotion that rewards this target group for doing what they love to do best: nothing. Consumers were asked to stand there, sit there, and ultimately freeze there to get involved in our Slurpee FREEZE THE MOMENT contest.

Slurpee Freeze the Moment Overview

In partnership with CITY-TV, we had a live stunt “performed” on Breakfast Television where one of CITY’s on-air personalities had “an unplanned” frozen moment on live TV. We Slurpeefied the traditional 10 second “CITY TV Everywhere” station IDs and made them our own. Slurpee was the first advertiser to attempt and achieve this. These activities were supported with humorous TV, radio, and Facebook advertising.

Slurpee "Squeeeeegee" Viral Video (0:60)

Slurpee "Priiiiizes" Radio (0:30)

Slurpee "Seeeeeven" Radio (0:30)

Slurpee "Moooooooment" Radio (0:30)

Launching the Slurpee Freeze the Moment contest was a challenge due to an extremely limited media budget considering our vast audience (English speaking Canada)—we also launched the first-ever website for Slurpee Canada, www.slurpee.ca, at the outset of the campaign with no inherent traffic or awareness for this website.

Now Available In Social Berry
Freeze the Moment 4-Week Campaign Results:
186.8+ Million Facebook Ad Impressions
120,000+ YouTube Views
200+ User-generated Contest Videos
47,000+ Unique Website Visitors
151,000+ Unique Pageviews